Venn Empilhado是什么意思 Venn Empilhado的读音、翻译、用法

Venn Empilhado是什么意思 Venn Empilhado的读音、翻译、用法

'Venn Empilhado'不是任何一个国家的语言,它是一个用英语拼写的词语。它的中文翻译是"嵌套维恩图",它是一种维恩图的形式,其中包含了多个集合之间的重叠关系。这种图形经常被用于可视化和比较数据集,特别是在统计学和数据分析领域中。

以下是9个含有'Venn Empilhado'的例句:

1. The Venn Stacked chart is a powerful way to compare overlapping data sets.(嵌套维恩图是比较重叠数据集的强大工具。)

2. Creating a Venn diagram with multiple layers can help you analyze complex data sets.(创建多层的嵌套维恩图可以帮助你分析复杂的数据集。)

3. The Venn Stacked plot is especially useful for visualizing how different variables intersect.(嵌套维恩图对于可视化不同变量如何交互很有用。)

4. You can use a Venn Stacked plot to see which members of a population belong to two or more categories.(你可以使用嵌套维恩图来查看人群中属于两个或更多类别的成员。)

5. The Venn Stacked chart is a great way to show the similarities and differences between different data sets.(嵌套维恩图是展示不同数据集之间相似性和差异性的好方法。)

6. Venn diagrams are widely used in statistics and data analysis, and the stacked variation is particularly popular.(维恩图在统计学和数据分析中被广泛使用,其中嵌套维恩图是特别流行的。)

7. A Venn Stacked plot can help you visualize the degree of overlap between different sets of data.(嵌套维恩图可以帮助你可视化不同数据集之间的重叠程度。)

8. If you need to compare multiple data sets, a Venn Stacked chart can be a great tool to use.(如果你需要比较多个数据集,嵌套维恩图是一个很好的工具。)

9. The Venn Stacked plot is commonly used in genetics research to visualize gene expression data.(嵌套维恩图在基因研究中常用于可视化基因表达数据。)

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