Gordon Allport是什么意思 Gordon Allport的读音、翻译、用法

Gordon Allport是什么意思 Gordon Allport的读音、翻译、用法

'Gordon Allport'是英语词汇,翻译成中文是“戈登·奥尔波特”。他是20世纪著名的美国心理学家,主要研究个体心理学和人格心理学,发展了人格心理学理论,提出了个性发展五个阶段的观点,并将人际关系分为友情、爱情和恶意三种类型。

以下是9个含有“Gordon Allport”的例句:

1. 'Gordon Allport'是一位伟大的心理学家,他的心理学理论影响了世界各地的心理学家。(英语)

Gordon Allport was a great psychologist whose psychological theories influenced psychologists all over the world.

2. 'Gordon Allport'的个体心理学理论深刻影响了当代心理学的发展。(英语)

Gordon Allport's theory of individual psychology has profoundly influenced the development of contemporary psychology.

3. '戈登·奥尔波特'是20世纪美国著名的心理学家,他对人格心理学的研究有着重要贡献。(中文)

Gordon Allport is a famous American psychologist in the 20th century, and his research on personality psychology has made important contributions.

4. '戈登·奥尔波特'提出了人格心理学理论中的个性发展五个阶段,对心理学研究产生了深远的影响。(中文)

Gordon Allport proposed the five stages of personality development in the theory of personality psychology, which has had a profound impact on psychological research.

5. 'Gordon Allport'的人际关系理论分为友情、爱情和恶意三种类型,是当今心理学研究的重点。(英语)

Gordon Allport's interpersonal relationship theory, which divides relationships into friendship, love, and hostility, is a focus of psychological research today.

6. 'Gordon Allport'的人格心理学理论强调人类的独特性和多样性,反对一切形式的刻板印象。(中文)

Gordon Allport's theory of personality psychology emphasizes the uniqueness and diversity of human beings and opposes all forms of stereotypes.

7. 'Gordon Allport'认为个性是人类与众不同的核心特征,每个人都有自己独特的人格。(中文)

Gordon Allport believed that personality is the core feature that distinguishes human beings from others, and that everyone has their own unique personality.

8. 由于'Gordon Allport'的理论对心理学领域的影响,他被誉为“人格心理学之父”。(中文)

Due to the influence of Gordon Allport's theory on the field of psychology, he is known as the "father of personality psychology".

9. 'Gordon Allport'的研究成果丰硕,他对心理学的发展做出了重要贡献,被誉为20世纪最伟大的心理学家之一。(中文)

Gordon Allport's research achievements are fruitful, and he has made important contributions to the development of psychology, and is considered one of the greatest psychologists of the 20th century.

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