Minnesota Twins是什么意思 Minnesota Twins的读音、翻译、用法

Minnesota Twins是什么意思 Minnesota Twins的读音、翻译、用法

'Minnesota Twins'是英语,它翻译成中文就是明尼苏达双子星。这个词语通常表示明尼苏达州的棒球队——明尼苏达双子星队,该队是美国职业棒球大联盟的一员,成立于xx年,总部位于明尼阿波利斯市。

以下是9个含有'Minnesota Twins'的例句:

1. Minnesota Twins的球迷总是非常热情,他们每场比赛都会为球队加油助威。

(Minnesota Twins fans are always very enthusiastic, they cheer for the team in every game.)

2. 明尼苏达双子星队这个赛季的表现实在是太出色了!

(The Minnesota Twins' performance this season is really outstanding!)

3. 明尼苏达双子星队在对阵底特律老虎队的比赛中取得了胜利。

(The Minnesota Twins won the game against the Detroit Tigers.)

4. Minnesota Twins的投手实力雄厚,他们总是能够给对手带来一些麻烦。

(The Minnesota Twins' pitchers are strong, they always give opponents some trouble.)

5. 感谢明尼苏达双子星队的球员们为我们带来了如此精彩的比赛!

(Thanks to the players of the Minnesota Twins for bringing us such wonderful games!)

6. Minnesota Twins在上个赛季的排名中名列前茅。

(The Minnesota Twins were ranked high in the last season's standings.)

7. 现在正是支持Minnesota Twins的最佳时机,他们需要我们的支持!

(Now is the best time to support the Minnesota Twins, they need our support!)

8. 明尼苏达双子星队的教练非常有经验,他们一直在帮助球员们提高技巧。

(The coaches of the Minnesota Twins are very experienced, they have been helping players improve their skills.)

9. Minnesota Twins在今年夏天的比赛中展现出了强大的实力。

(The Minnesota Twins showed strong strength in this summer's games.)

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