inanna是什么意思 inanna的读音、翻译、用法

inanna是什么意思 inanna的读音、翻译、用法



1. Inanna 是司掌爱情和战争的女神。

(Inanna is the goddess of love and war.)

2. 在美索不达米亚神话中,Inanna 被描述为既勇敢又残酷的女神。

(In Mesopotamian mythology, Inanna is depicted as both brave and cruel.)

3. Inanna 的信徒相信她可以带来美好的情感和胜利。

(Followers of Inanna believe that she can bring about positive emotions and victories.)

4. Inanna 经常被描绘为一位美丽的女神,穿着华丽的服装。

(Inanna is often depicted as a beautiful goddess, adorned in lavish clothing.)

5. Inanna 在古代美索不达米亚的神话中扮演着重要的角色。

(Inanna plays a significant role in ancient Mesopotamian mythology.)

6. 在古代美索不达米亚,人们多次为了争夺 Inanna 的祝福而进行战争。

(In ancient Mesopotamia, wars were fought over the blessings of Inanna.)

7. Inanna 被视为女性之神,在一些文化中仍然受到崇拜。

(Inanna is revered as a goddess of femininity and is still worshipped in some cultures.)

8. 根据传说,Inanna 与天空之神 An 约定,每晚在天空中相遇。

(According to legend, Inanna meets with the sky god An every night in the sky.)

9. 在 Inanna 的神话中,她被描述为一个独立自主的女性角色。

(In the mythology of Inanna, she is depicted as a strong and independent female character.)

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