comment是什么意思 comment的读音、翻译、用法

comment是什么意思 comment的读音、翻译、用法



1. She made a comment about his appearance. (她对他的外貌做了一个评论。)

2. The teacher commented on his excellent performance. (老师对他的出色表现发表了评论。)

3. He commented that the movie was too long. (他评论说这部电影太长了。)

4. any comment on this matter. (我对这件事情没有任何评论。)

5. The editor added a comment to the article. (编辑在文章中添加了注释。)

6. The politician refused to comment on the scandal. (那位政治家拒绝对这起丑闻发表评论。)

7. Can you comment on the results of the study? (你能对研究的结果发表评论吗?)

8. I appreciate your comments on my work. (我感谢你对我的工作的评论。)

9. The journalist asked for the celebrity's comment on the rumor. (记者要求这位名人对传闻发表评论。)

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