1. Longidoridae科的线虫是全球范围内重要的作物病原体。
(英文:Nematodes of the family Longidoridae are globally important crop pathogens.)
2. 长多刺线虫科的成员在土壤中吸取植物根部汁液,导致植物萎蔫和死亡。
(中文:Members of the family Longidoridae in soil feed on plant root sap, causing wilting and death of the plants.)
3. 这个物种是长刺线虫科中最具研究价值的物种之一。
(中文:This species is one of the most valuable species for research in the family Longidoridae.)
4. Longidoridae线虫常常通过水或者污染的土壤传播到新的地区。
(英文:Longidoridae nematodes are often spread to new areas through water or contaminated soil.)
5. 这个果园受到长多刺线虫科寄生,导致产量大幅下降。
(中文:This orchard is infested with Longidoridae nematodes, causing a significant decrease in yield.)
6. 长刺线虫科的线虫在寄生植物时可以传播病原体,增加病害发生的概率。
(中文:The nematodes of the family Longidoridae can transmit pathogens while parasitizing plants, increasing the risk of disease occurrence.)
7. 研究表明,对抗长多刺线虫科寄生对土壤进行消毒是一种有效的管理方法。
(中文:Studies have shown that soil disinfection is an effective management method against parasitism by Longidoridae nematodes.)
8. 在农业生产中,长刺线虫科常常是造成病害的元凶之一。
(中文:In agricultural production, Longidoridae nematodes are often the culprit of diseases.)
9. 对于行业从业者来说,了解长多刺线虫科的特征和生活习性非常重要。
(中文:For industry practitioners, it is important to understand the characteristics and habits of Longidoridae nematodes.)