1. Thanatephorus cucumeris是一种早疫病菌,能感染黄瓜等作物。
(Thanatephorus cucumeris is a type of early blight fungus that can infect crops such as cucumbers.)
2. 该病菌会通过植物的叶子、茎、果实等部位感染,导致植物患病甚至死亡。
(The fungus infects the leaves, stems, fruits and other parts of the plant, leading to disease and even death.)
3. Thanatephorus parasiticus是一种寄生菌,可导致玉米生产量减少。
(Thanatephorus parasiticus is a parasitic fungus that can reduce corn yields.)
4. 该病菌产生的孢子可通过空气、土壤等途径传播。
(The spores produced by the fungus can be spread through the air, soil and other means.)
5. 植物宿主的防御机制可能会抑制Thanatephorus属菌株的生长。
(The defense mechanisms of plant hosts may inhibit the growth of Thanatephorus species.)
6. 过度施用化肥可能会增加植物感染Thanatephorus属菌株的风险。
(Excessive use of fertilizers may increase the risk of plant infection with Thanatephorus species.)
7. 研究人员正在探索如何利用生物学控制手段来防治Thanatephorus属病原菌。
(Researchers are exploring ways to use biological control methods to prevent and control Thanatephorus pathogens.)
8. Thanatephorus属的一些菌株会产生毒素,对人体健康有害。
(Some strains of Thanatephorus can produce toxins that are harmful to human health.)
9. 早期发现和控制Thanatephorus属菌株的感染是保护农作物的重要措施。
(Early detection and control of Thanatephorus infections are important measures to protect crops.)