Botanophila是什么意思 Botanophila的读音、翻译、用法

Botanophila是什么意思 Botanophila的读音、翻译、用法





1. Botanophilas enjoy exploring the world's many diverse plant species.(Botanophila们喜欢探索世界上许多不同的植物物种。)

2. The botanophila spent her Saturday morning tending to her garden.(这位Botanophila在周六早上忙着照看她的花园。)

3. As a botanophila, he was thrilled to find a rare orchid during his hike in the forest.(Botanophila,他很高兴在森林里的远足中发现了一朵稀有的兰花。)

4. Botanophilas often collect and press plants from their travels as a memento.(Botanophila经常收集并压制他们旅行中的植物作为纪念品。)

5. The botanophila couple started a community garden project to promote local plant diversity.(这对Botanophila夫妇开始了一个社区花园项目,以促进当地植物多样性。)

6. Botanophilas are known for their deep understanding and appreciation of the natural world.(Botanophila以他们对自然界的深刻理解和欣赏而闻名。)

7. The botanophila contributed to a scientific study by identifying and documenting a new plant species.(这位Botanophila通过鉴定和记录一个新的植物物种,为一项科学研究做出了贡献。)

8. Botanophilas may also be interested in studying the ecological and environmental impact of plants.(Botanophila也可能对研究植物的生态和环境影响感兴趣。)

9. The botanophila's love and dedication to plant life is truly inspiring.(这位Botanophila对植物生命的热爱和奉献真的很鼓舞人心。)

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