Pleuronectiformes是什么意思 Pleuronectiformes的读音、翻译、用法

Pleuronectiformes是什么意思 Pleuronectiformes的读音、翻译、用法



1. The flatfish belong to the order Pleuronectiformes.(这些扁鱼属于鲽形目。)

2. The Pleuronectiformes are a group of amazing fish.(鲽形目是一群令人惊叹的鱼类。)

3. The diversity of Pleuronectiformes is astounding.(鲽形目的多样性令人震惊。)

4. The Pleuronectiformes have a unique body shape.(鲽形目的身材很独特。)

5. Some Pleuronectiformes, like the halibut, can grow very large.(一些鲽形目鱼类,比如大比目鱼,可以生长得非常大。)

6. Flatfish from the order Pleuronectiformes are popular in seafood restaurants.(鲽形目的扁鱼是海鲜餐厅中的常见食材。)

7. The eyes of Pleuronectiformes are located on one side of their head.(鲽形目的眼睛位于头部的一侧。)

8. The Pleuronectiformes are known for their ability to camouflage.(鲽形目以其伪装能力而闻名。)

9. The Pleuronectiformes are an important part of the marine food chain.(鲽形目是海洋食物链中重要的一环。)

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