Phalaropus是什么意思 Phalaropus的读音、翻译、用法

Phalaropus是什么意思 Phalaropus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Phalaropus tricolor has an extraordinary talent for swimming and diving.(Phalaropus tricolor有出色的游泳和潜水天赋。)

2. The Phalaropus lobatus is known for its unique breeding behavior which involves the female competing for the male's attention.(Phalaropus lobatus以其独特的繁殖行为而闻名,其中女性会与男性竞争注意力。)

3. The Phalaropus fulicarius is commonly found in the Arctic region.(Phalaropus fulicarius通常在北极地区发现。)

4. The Phalaropus genus is named after its unique webbed feet.(Phalaropus属以其独特的蹼足命名。)

5. The Black-necked Phalaropus feeds on small aquatic insects and crustaceans.(黑腹环颈鹬以小型水生昆虫和甲壳动物为食。)

6. The Grey Phalarope can be seen migrating from Alaska to South America.(灰背鹬可以看到从阿拉斯加迁徙到南美洲。)

7. The Red-necked Phalarope is known for its distinctive red throat during breeding season.(红颈鹬以其在繁殖季节具有独特的红色喉咙而闻名。)

8. The Phalaropus genus is found in both North America and Europe.(Phalaropus属在北美和欧洲都有发现。)

9. The Wilson's Phalarope is a small bird that can be found in wetlands across North America.(威尔逊喜鹊脚是一种小鸟,可以在北美的湿地中找到。)

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