Stevia rebaudiana是什么意思 Stevia rebaudiana的读音、翻译、用法

Stevia rebaudiana是什么意思 Stevia rebaudiana的读音、翻译、用法


以下是九个包含“Stevia rebaudiana”的英文例句:

1. Stevia rebaudiana is a popular natural sweetener that is often used as an alternative to sugar.(Stevia rebaudiana是一种常用的天然甜味剂,经常被用作替代糖的选择。)

2. Many people use Stevia rebaudiana to sweeten their coffee or tea instead of using sugar.(许多人用史蒂维亚来为咖啡或茶调味,以替代使用糖。)

3. The leaves of Stevia rebaudiana are often dried and ground into a powder to be used as a sweetener.(史蒂维亚的叶子通常被晒干,磨成粉末用作调味剂。)

4. Stevia rebaudiana is known for being much sweeter than sugar, but without the calories or negative health effects.(Stevia rebaudiana因比糖更甜,但不带有热量或负面健康影响而著名。)

5. Some people have reported experiencing digestive issues after consuming large amounts of Stevia rebaudiana.(一些人报告称在消耗大量史蒂维亚后出现了消化问题。)

6. Stevia rebaudiana is often used in the production of low-calorie or sugar-free foods and beverages.(史蒂维亚经常被用于生产低卡或无糖食品和饮料。)

7. Stevia rebaudiana is a popular ingredient in many health food products.(史蒂维亚是许多健康食品产品中受欢迎的成分。)

8. Stevia rebaudiana is widely grown in South America and other parts of the world.(史蒂维亚广泛种植在南美以及其他地区。)

9. The production of Stevia rebaudiana has become an important industry in many countries due to its increasing popularity.(由于史蒂维亚越来越受欢迎,其生产已成为许多国家重要的产业。)

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