Rivendell是什么意思 Rivendell的读音、翻译、用法

Rivendell是什么意思 Rivendell的读音、翻译、用法



1. In "The Lord of the Rings," Frodo and his companions traveled to Rivendell to seek help from the elves.(在《指环王》中,弗罗多和他的同伴前往瑞文戴尔寻求精灵的帮助。)

2. Rivendell is described as a place of great beauty and peacefulness in J.R.R. Tolkien's works.(瑞文戴尔在J.R.R.托尔金的作品中被描绘为一个美丽和平静的地方。)

3. The elves of Rivendell are renowned for their wisdom and magical abilities.(瑞文戴尔的精灵以其智慧和魔法能力而闻名。)

4. Arwen, the daughter of the elven king of Rivendell, fell in love with Aragorn.(瑞文戴尔精灵王的女儿艾温爱上了阿拉贡。)

5. Many travelers and adventurers came to Rivendell seeking knowledge and guidance.(许多旅行者和冒险家来到瑞文戴尔寻求知识和指导。)

6. Elrond, the elven lord of Rivendell, played a key role in the War of the Ring.(瑞文戴尔的精灵领主埃隆德在指环战争中扮演了重要角色。)

7. The beauty of Rivendell is said to be unmatched throughout Middle-earth.(据说瑞文戴尔的美丽在整个中土大陆上无可比拟。)

8. The Council of Elrond was held in Rivendell to discuss the fate of the One Ring.(埃隆德会议在瑞文戴尔举行,讨论一环的命运。)

9. The healing powers of the elves in Rivendell were legendary.(瑞文戴尔精灵的治愈能力是传奇的。)

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