flusilazole是什么意思 flusilazole的读音、翻译、用法

flusilazole是什么意思 flusilazole的读音、翻译、用法



1. Flusilazole was found to be a highly effective fungicide against powdery mildew in greenhouse-grown strawberries. 氟硅唑在温室种植的草莓中对白粉病有很高的杀菌效果。

2. The efficacy of flusilazole in controlling leaf spot in peanuts was evaluated in field trials. 在田间试验中,对氟硅唑控制花生叶斑病的有效性进行了评估。

3. Flusilazole has been shown to be effective in managing brown spot disease in rice. 氟硅唑被证明在治理水稻褐斑病方面有效。

4. A combination of flusilazole and cyproconazole was found to be effective against grapevine powdery mildew. 氟硅唑和环丙沙它唑的组合被发现对葡萄白粉病有很好的效果。

5. Flusilazole is commonly used as a post-harvest treatment to control storage diseases in fruits and vegetables. 氟硅唑通常被用作采后处理,控制果蔬的存储病害。

6. Field studies have shown that flusilazole provides good control of powdery mildew in tomato crops. 田间研究表明,氟硅唑对番茄白粉病有很好的控制效果。

7. Flusilazole is a systemic fungicide that is absorbed by the plant and provides long-lasting protection against fungal diseases. 氟硅唑是一种系统性杀菌剂,被植物吸收后可以提供长期的保护作用来防治真菌病害。

8. Researchers have found that flusilazole can improve the quality and yield of peanut crops by controlling fungal diseases. 研究人员发现,通过控制真菌病害,氟硅唑可以提高花生作物的质量和产量。

9. Flusilazole is commonly used in combination with other fungicides to create a comprehensive disease management program for crops. 氟硅唑通常与其他杀菌剂组合使用,创建全面的作物病害管理方案。

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