Sarcopterygii是什么意思 Sarcopterygii的读音、翻译、用法

Sarcopterygii是什么意思 Sarcopterygii的读音、翻译、用法



1. Sarcopterygii包括了一些著名的鱼类,比如翼龙鱼、合齿鱼等。(中文:Sarcopterygii includes some famous fish species such as coelacanths and lungfish.)

2. 肉鳍鱼类(Sarcopterygii)的一大特征是它们的鱼鳍里含有肌肉和骨骼。(中文:One of the unique features of Sarcopterygii is that their fins contain muscles and bones.)

3. 合齿鱼(coelacanth)是肉鳍鱼类(Sarcopterygii)的一种,最早被认为已经灭绝了。(中文:The coelacanth is a species of Sarcopterygii that was once thought to be extinct.)

4. 肉鳍鱼类(Sarcopterygii)中的肺鱼亚纲(Dipnoi)是唯一一类能够用肺呼吸的鱼类。(中文:The Dipnoi subclass of Sarcopterygii is the only group of fish that can breathe using lungs.)

5. 肉鳍鱼类(Sarcopterygii)的鱼鳍可以帮助它们在水中行走,这是其它鱼类所没有的能力。(中文:The fins of Sarcopterygii allow them to walk in water, a unique ability that other fish do not possess.)

6. 肺鱼(lungfish)是肉鳍鱼类(Sarcopterygii)的一种,由于其特殊的肺器官可以在干旱季节中存活下来而闻名。(中文:The lungfish is a species of Sarcopterygii that is known for its unique lung organ, which allows them to survive in dry seasons.)

7. 在Sarcopterygii中,肉鳍鱼亚纲(Crossopterygii)被认为是最接近陆栖动物的一类鱼。(中文:In Sarcopterygii, Crossopterygii is considered the closest group of fish to terrestrial animals.)

8. 翼龙鱼(Latimeria)是肉鳍鱼类(Sarcopterygii)中的一种,是目前为止已知的最原始和最古老的鱼类之一。(中文:Latimeria is a species of Sarcopterygii and is one of the most primitive and oldest fish known to date.)

9. Sarcopterygii中的一些鱼类在地质历史上扮演了重要的角色,比如在三叠纪时期对生态系统的影响。(中文:Some fish in Sarcopterygii played important roles in geological history, such as their impact on ecosystems during the Triassic period.)

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