Grampus是什么意思 Grampus的读音、翻译、用法

Grampus是什么意思 Grampus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Grampus is known for its aggressive behavior towards other marine animals.(杀人海豚因其对其他海洋动物的攻击行为而闻名。)

2. The Grampus stared at me with its piercing eyes.(杀人海豚用其锐利的眼睛盯着我。)

3. He has a Grampus-like personality, always aggressive and intimidating.(他有着杀人海豚一样的性格,总是充满侵略性和威胁性。)

4. The Grampus is also known as the "Orca of the Atlantic".(杀人海豚也被称为“大西洋的虎鲸”。)

5. The Grampus is a solitary animal, rarely seen in groups.(杀人海豚是一种孤独的动物,很少见到他们成群结队。)

6. The Grampus is known for its complex communication system and ability to echo-locate.(杀人海豚因其复杂的通讯系统和回声定位能力而闻名。)

7. The Grampus is found in the temperate and tropical waters of the world's oceans.(杀人海豚分布在世界各地的温带和热带海域。)

8. The Grampus is a fierce predator, hunting fish, squid, and even other marine mammals.(杀人海豚是一种凶猛的掠食者,捕食鱼类、鱿鱼甚至其他海洋哺乳动物。)

9. Unfortunately, the Grampus is often hunted for its meat and oil, leading to a decline in its population.(不幸的是,杀人海豚常常因其肉和油而被猎杀,导致其种群数量下降。)

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