1. Phoma sp. 是导致白菜黑斑病的致病真菌之一。(中文翻译:Phoma sp. is one of the pathogenic fungi that cause black spot disease in Chinese cabbage.)
2. 草地黑心病是由Phoma属真菌引起的一种病害。(中文翻译:Grass black heart disease is a disease caused by fungi in the Phoma genus.)
3. Phoma tracheiphila是导致黄瓜细胞内黄萎病的真菌。(中文翻译:Phoma tracheiphila is a fungus that causes internal browning disease in cucumber cells.)
4. Phoma 属真菌常常导致豆科作物根部腐烂。(中文翻译:Fungi in the Phoma genus often cause root rot in leguminous crops.)
5. 黑枯病(Phoma exigua f. sp. exigua)是咖啡和可可果树的一种病害。(中文翻译:Black rot disease (Phoma exigua f. sp. Exigua) is a disease of coffee and cocoa trees.)
6. Phoma 属真菌可以引起玉米茎部的腐烂。(中文翻译:Fungi in the Phoma genus can cause stem rot in corn.)
7. Phoma 属真菌也会导致苹果树的叶片萎蔫。(中文翻译:Fungi in the Phoma genus can also cause apple leaves to wilt.)
8. 一个名为Phoma 属菌丝体菌的真菌可能导致烟草的枯萎病。(中文翻译:A fungus called Phoma filamentous fungus may cause wilt disease in tobacco.)
9. Phoma 属真菌还可以感染巨峰葡萄,导致果实烂掉。(中文翻译:Fungi in the Phoma genus can also infect Kyoho grapes, causing the fruit to rot.)