imperatriz Suiko是什么意思 imperatriz Suiko的读音、翻译、用法

imperatriz Suiko是什么意思 imperatriz Suiko的读音、翻译、用法

'imperatriz Suiko'是日本语言,中文翻译为“推古天皇”。推古天皇是日本古代的一位女皇帝,在位期间推行了许多有益的政策,被誉为日本历史上的杰出君主。

以下是含有'imperatriz Suiko'的9个例句:

1. 推古天皇是日本历史上第33位天皇。

Emperor Suiko was the 33rd Emperor of Japan in history.

2. 推古天皇统治期间,日本国内局势比较稳定。

During the reign of Empress Suiko, the domestic situation in Japan was relatively stable.

3. 推古天皇建立了日本的第一个中央政府。

Empress Suiko established Japan's first central government.

4. 推古天皇在位时期,日本的文化和艺术得到了很大的发展。

During the reign of Emperor Suiko, Japanese culture and art developed greatly.

5. 推古天皇颁布了日本历史上第一份宪法。

Empress Suiko promulgated the first constitution in Japanese history.

6. 在推古天皇时期,日本与朝鲜之间的关系比较友好。

During the reign of Emperor Suiko, Japan had friendly relations with Korea.

7. 推古天皇为日本历史上第一位正式称帝的女性。

Empress Suiko was the first female to officially become Emperor in Japanese history.

8. 推古天皇是日本历史上为数不多的女性君主之一。

Empress Suiko is one of the few female monarchs in Japanese history.

9. 推古天皇的统治时期被誉为日本历史上的“飞跃时期”。

The reign of Emperor Suiko is known as the "leap forward period" in Japanese history.

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