1. Caranx在热带和亚热带海域很常见。(英文:Caranx are common in tropical and subtropical waters.)
2. 黄鲈属鱼类是人类的一种重要食品资源。(英文:Fish of the Caranx genus are an important food resource for humans.)
3. 这种鱼又大又快,是钓鱼者的梦想。(英文:This fish is big and fast, it's a dream catch for fishermen.)
4. 我们看到一群大目鲈在海岸线游动。(英文:We saw a school of Caranx swimming along the coastline.)
5. 青盖鱼可以长到60厘米长,重达5公斤。(英文:Caranx can grow up to 60 centimeters long and weigh up to 5 kilograms.)
6. 我们用钓竿钓到了一条黄鲈。(英文:We caught a Caranx with a fishing rod.)
7. 青盖鱼是海洋中最受欢迎的游戏鱼之一。(英文:Caranx is one of the most sought-after game fish in the ocean.)
8. 这种鱼喜欢游动在海底岩石附近。(英文:This fish likes to swim near rocks on the seafloor.)
9. 大目鲈的肉质细嫩,味道非常美味。(英文:The meat of Caranx is tender and delicious.)