Pleuronectoidei是什么意思 Pleuronectoidei的读音、翻译、用法

Pleuronectoidei是什么意思 Pleuronectoidei的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Pleuronectoidei is a group of flatfish that includes flounders, soles, and halibuts.(Pleuronectoidei是一类扁平鱼,包括比目鱼、鲽鱼和大比目鱼。)

2. The flatfish in the Pleuronectoidei group are typically found on the ocean floor.(Pleuronectoidei类别的扁鱼通常生活在海洋底部。)

3. The Pleuronectoidei are known for their ability to blend in with their surroundings.(Pleuronectoidei以能够与周围环境融为一体而闻名。)

4. The Pleuronectoidei have a distinct asymmetrical body shape.(Pleuronectoidei拥有明显的不对称身体形状。)

5. Some of the species in the Pleuronectoidei are important commercial fish.(Pleuronectoidei一些物种是重要的商业鱼类。)

6. The Pleuronectoidei have a unique swimming style due to their flat shape.(Pleuronectoidei的扁平形状使它们具有独特的游泳方式。)

7. The Pleuronectoidei use their coloration to help them avoid predators.(Pleuronectoidei利用其色彩来帮助其避免被捕食者发现。)

8. The eyes of the Pleuronectoidei are always on the side of their body that faces upwards.(Pleuronectoidei的眼睛总是在朝上的身体侧面。)

9. The Pleuronectoidei are a diverse group of fish with many different species and habitats.(Pleuronectoidei是一个多样化的鱼类群体,包括许多不同的物种和栖息地。)

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