1. Selvicola quercus是一种生活在橡树林中的蜗牛,它们通常有淡黄色的壳子。
翻译:Selvicola quercus is a species of snail that lives in oak forests and typically has a light yellow shell.
2. Selvicola borealis是一种生活在北方极地森林中的鸟类,它们通常有灰色的羽毛和强壮的爪子。
翻译:Selvicola borealis is a bird species that lives in the boreal forests of the far north and typically has gray feathers and strong claws.
3. Selvicola rostrata是一种生活在寒带森林中的虫子,它们通常有细长的身体和发达的口器。
翻译:Selvicola rostrata is an insect species that lives in the boreal forests of the far north and typically has a slender body and well-developed mouthparts.
4. Selvicola xanthocarpa是一种生活在热带雨林中的植物,它们通常有黄色的果实和大叶子。
翻译:Selvicola xanthocarpa is a plant species that lives in tropical rainforests and typically has yellow fruit and large leaves.
5. Selvicola macropus是一种生活在亚马逊雨林中的有袋动物,它们通常有大大的后腿和柔软的毛发。
翻译:Selvicola macropus is a marsupial species that lives in the Amazon rainforest and typically has large hind legs and soft fur.
6. Selvicola angustifolia是一种生活在东南亚热带森林中的树木,它们通常有狭长的叶子和深色的树皮。
翻译:Selvicola angustifolia is a tree species that lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and typically has narrow leaves and dark bark.
7. Selvicola baltica是一种生活在波罗的海沿岸森林中的昆虫,它们通常有红色的身体和长长的触角。
翻译:Selvicola baltica is an insect species that lives in the coastal forests along the Baltic Sea and typically has a red body and long antennae.
8. Selvicola melanura是一种生活在澳大利亚森林中的鱼类,它们通常有黑色的尾鳍和粗糙的鳞片。
翻译:Selvicola melanura is a fish species that lives in the forests of Australia and typically has a black tail fin and rough scales.
9. Selvicola sibirica是一种生活在西伯利亚森林中的青蛙,它们通常有绿色的皮肤和灰色的眼睛。
翻译:Selvicola sibirica is a frog species that lives in the forests of Siberia and typically has green skin and gray eyes.