‘Anne Sullivan’是英语词语。中文翻译为“安妮·沙利文”,是一位美国教育家与专业家,她以其对盲人、聋人的照顾与教育成为世界闻名。
1. Anne Sullivan是海伦·凯勒的教育导师。(Anne Sullivan was the educator and mentor of Helen Keller.)
2. 安妮·沙利文以她的耐心和关爱为海伦带来了光明。(Anne Sullivan brought light into Helen's life with her patience and care.)
3. 在安妮·沙利文的帮助下,海伦学会了如何与世界交流。(With Anne Sullivan's help, Helen learned how to communicate with the world.)
4. 安妮·沙利文为聋哑学生提供了无与伦比的教育支持。(Anne Sullivan provided unparalleled educational support for deaf and mute students.)
5. 安妮·沙利文的方法启发了许多教育家并影响了盲聋教育领域。(Anne Sullivan's methods inspired many educators and influenced the field of blind and deaf education.)
6. 安妮·沙利文通过不懈的努力和工作,为盲人和聋人的权利争取了认可。(Anne Sullivan fought tirelessly for the recognition of the rights of the blind and deaf through her work.)
7. 安妮·沙利文的故事激励着无数教育工作者和爱心人士。(Anne Sullivan's story inspires countless educators and humanitarians.)
8. 在安妮·沙利文的帮助下,海伦·凯勒克服了很多困难,成为了一位成功的作家和演讲家。(With Anne Sullivan's help, Helen Keller overcame many obstacles and became a successful writer and speaker.)
9. 安妮·沙利文是一位为无数盲聋病人带来希望的英雄。(Anne Sullivan is a hero who brought hope to countless blind and deaf patients.)