1. 这个词语是英语中的,翻译为“鲟科”。
2. Acipenseridae是一种原始的硬骨鱼类,通常生活在淡水和海水中。它们通常被人们认为是珍贵的食材和源自高端餐厅的菜肴。
3. Today we caught a lot of Acipenseridae in the river. (今天我们在河里捕到了很多鲟科鱼。)
4. The Acipenseridae is known for its caviar. (鲟科鱼因其鱼子酱而闻名。)
5. The Acipenseridae is an important species for fisheries. (鲟科鱼是重要的渔业物种。)
6. This restaurant has a great dish made with Acipenseridae. (这家餐厅有一道用鲟科鱼制作的美食。)
7. The extinction of the Acipenseridae would be a great loss to the ecosystem. (鲟科鱼的灭绝将对生态系统造成巨大损失。)
8. Several Acipenseridae species are endangered due to overfishing. (由于过度捕捞,几种鲟科鱼已经濒临灭绝。)
9. Acipenseridae is a fascinating family of fish that have been on Earth for over 250 million years. (鲟科鱼是一类神奇的鱼类,已经存在于地球上超过2.5亿年。)