'Edward Weston'这个词语来源于英语。它是一个人名,指的是20世纪美国著名的摄影家Edward Weston。常见的翻译包括爱德华•韦斯顿和爱德华德•韦斯顿。在使用时,通常用来形容摄影艺术。
以下是9个含有'Edward Weston'的例句:
1. Edward Weston的摄影作品展示了他对生活的独特视角。
(原文:Edward Weston's photographs showcase his unique perspective on life.)
2. Edward Weston是一位颇有影响力的摄影家。
(原文:Edward Weston was a highly influential photographer.)
3. Edward Weston的作品主要以静物为主,他独特的光影处理技巧令人瞩目。
(原文:Edward Weston's work primarily consists of still life photographs, and his unique treatment of light and shadow is noteworthy.)
4. Edward Weston被称为现代摄影的先驱之一。
(原文:Edward Weston is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern photography.)
5. Edward Weston的作品常常从简单的物品中提取出美感和纯粹的形式。
(原文:Edward Weston's work often extracts beauty and pure form from simple objects.)
6. Edward Weston的作品充满了力量和深度,他的思想和艺术对摄影世界产生了深远的影响。
(原文:Edward Weston's work is full of power and depth, and his thoughts and art have had a profound impact on the world of photography.)
7. Edward Weston的作品无论是黑白还是彩色,都有非常高的艺术价值。
(原文:Edward Weston's work is of high artistic value, whether in black and white or in color.)
8. Edward Weston的摄影风格非常具有个人特色,很容易被辨认出来。
(原文:Edward Weston's photographic style is very distinctive and easily recognizable.)
9. Edward Weston的作品展示了他对自然和生命的深刻理解和表述。
(原文:Edward Weston's work showcases his profound understanding and expression of nature and life.)