Last Exile是什么意思 Last Exile的读音、翻译、用法

Last Exile是什么意思 Last Exile的读音、翻译、用法

"Last Exile"是英语,中文可以翻译为"最后流亡"或"最后离别"。这个词语是指一款日本制作的动画作品,讲述了一个科幻幻想故事,讲述了两个年轻飞行员的冒险旅程。


1. "Last Exile" is an anime series that aired in Japan in 2003.(《Last Exile》是一部于xx年在日本播出的动画系列。)

2. The story of "Last Exile" is set in a world where airships are the primary mode of transportation.(《Last Exile》的故事发生在一个飞艇是主要交通工具的世界中。)

3. The main characters in "Last Exile" are Claus Valca and Lavie Head.(《Last Exile》的主要角色是Claus Valca和Lavie Head。)

4. "Last Exile" received critical acclaim for its stunning visuals and engaging story.(《Last Exile》因其惊人的视觉效果和引人入胜的故事而受到了好评。)

5. The soundtrack for "Last Exile" was composed by Dolce Triade.(《Last Exile》的原声带由Dolce Triade创作。)

6. Many fans consider "Last Exile" to be one of the best anime series of all time.(许多粉丝认为《Last Exile》是有史以来最好的动画系列之一。)

7. The plot of "Last Exile" follows Claus and Lavie as they become involved in a conflict between two nations.(《Last Exile》的情节围绕着Claus和Lavie参与两个国家之间的冲突展开。)

8. The themes of war, loyalty, and friendship are explored in "Last Exile".(《Last Exile》探索了战争、忠诚和友谊的主题。)

9. "Last Exile" has spawned several spin-off manga and light novel series.(《Last Exile》已经衍生出多个衍生漫画和轻小说系列。)

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