Alopecurus是什么意思 Alopecurus的读音、翻译、用法

Alopecurus是什么意思 Alopecurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Alopecurus pratensis是一种常见的野芒草。

(Alopecurus pratensis is a common wild foxtail grass.)

2. 去除草坪上的狐尾草会使其外观更加整齐。

(Removing the Alopecurus from the lawn will make it look neater.)

3. 在春季和夏季,狐尾草是一种极好的饲草。

(In spring and summer, Alopecurus is an excellent fodder.)

4. 狐尾草可以生长在许多不同类型的土壤上。

(Alopecurus can grow on many different types of soil.)

5. 这种草广泛分布于欧洲和北美洲。

(This grass is widely distributed in Europe and North America.)

6. 狐尾草是一种重要的草坪草种。

(Alopecurus is an important lawn grass.)

7. 这种草的花是黄色的。

(The flowers of this grass are yellow.)

8. 为了维持草地生态平衡,需要种植一定比例的狐尾草。

(To maintain ecological balance on the grassland, a certain proportion of Alopecurus needs to be planted.)

9. 由于其优美的外观和易于管理,狐尾草成为了许多园林景观设计的首选之一。

(Due to its attractive appearance and easy maintenance, Alopecurus has become one of the preferred choices for many landscape designs.)

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