Pop是什么意思 Pop的读音、翻译、用法

Pop是什么意思 Pop的读音、翻译、用法


1. I love listening to pop music. (我喜欢听流行音乐。)

2. The artist’s pop art style was very popular in the 1950s. (这位艺术家的流行艺术风格在xx年代非常流行。)

3. Can you pop some popcorn for us to snack on? (你能给我们爆些爆米花作为零食吗?)

4. I felt a pop in my ankle when I twisted it. (我扭伤脚踝时感到一声砰的响声。)

5. The balloon made a loud pop when it burst. (气球爆炸时发出巨响。)

6. He popped the question and she said yes! (他求婚了,她答应了!)

7. She popped into the store to buy some milk. (她顺便进店买了些牛奶。)

8. Pop off the lid and stir the soup. (把盖子打开,搅拌汤。)

9. The singer’s new single is already starting to pop on the charts. (这位歌手的新单曲已经开始在排行榜上流行起来了。)

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