Mcca不是某个国家的语言,它是一个缩写,意思是“马尔代夫移民和劳工咨询局”(Maldives Immigration and Labour Consultancy Agency),它是马尔代夫政府机构的一个重要部门,主要负责管理马尔代夫的移民和劳工事务。
1. Mcca要求所有外籍劳工持有效的劳动合同才能在马尔代夫工作。
Translation: Mcca requires all foreign laborers to hold valid employment contracts to work in the Maldives.
2. Mcca向各国公布了马尔代夫的移民政策。
Translation: Mcca has announced the Maldives' immigration policy to various countries.
3. Mcca可以帮助您申请工作签证。
Translation: Mcca can assist you in applying for a work visa.
4. Mcca的官方网站提供了有关马尔代夫移民和劳工事务的详细信息。
Translation: Mcca's official website provides detailed information on migration and labor affairs in the Maldives.
5. Mcca向所有外籍劳工提供了必要的培训和指导。
Translation: Mcca provides necessary training and guidance to all foreign laborers.
6. Mcca将在所有入境的外籍劳工身份证和签证上盖章。
Translation: Mcca will stamp all foreign laborers' identity cards and visas upon arrival.
7. Mcca负责审核和批准所有外籍劳工的工作许可证。
Translation: Mcca is responsible for reviewing and approving all foreign laborers' work permits.
8. Mcca的目标是确保劳工和移民在马尔代夫得到公平和平等的对待。
Translation: Mcca aims to ensure that laborers and immigrants are treated fairly and equally in the Maldives.
9. Mcca已经发布了一份关于如何在马尔代夫工作的指南。
Translation: Mcca has released a guide on how to work in the Maldives.