gramatical是什么意思 gramatical的读音、翻译、用法

gramatical是什么意思 gramatical的读音、翻译、用法




1. The grammatical structure of this sentence is quite complex.(这个句子的语法结构非常复杂。)

2. She speaks German fluently but makes grammatical errors occasionally.(她会流利地说德语,但偶尔会出现语法错误。)

3. In order to improve your writing, you need to pay attention to the grammatical details.(为了提高你的写作能力,你需要注意语法细节。)

4. The teacher corrected my grammatical mistakes in the essay.(老师纠正了我在文章中的语法错误。)

5. The software can help you check your grammatical errors.(这个软件可以帮助你检查语法错误。)

6. I have a good understanding of the grammatical rules of English.(我很好地理解了英语的语法规则。)

7. The grammatical errors in his speech distracted me from the main point.(他演讲中的语法错误让我分心了。)

8. The grammatical complexity of the text made it hard to understand.(文本的语法复杂性使其难以理解。)

9. The author's use of grammatical structures added depth to the story.(作者使用的语法结构给故事增添了深度。)

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