1. Steinfurt是一座拥有丰富历史和文化遗产的城市。
(Steinfurt is a city with rich historical and cultural heritage.)
2. 我的祖父母来自Steinfurt。
(My grandparents are from Steinfurt.)
3. Steinfurt的街道非常古老,有很多有趣的小店。
(The streets of Steinfurt are very old and there are many interesting small shops.)
4. 这个周末我们将前往Steinfurt参观博物馆。
(We will visit the museums in Steinfurt this weekend.)
5. Steinfurt的城堡是一个非常受欢迎的旅游景点。
(The castle in Steinfurt is a very popular tourist attraction.)
6. 在Steinfurt的公园里散步是一件非常愉快的事情。
(Taking a walk in the parks of Steinfurt is a very pleasant activity.)
7. Steinfurt的美丽风景让我感到非常惊叹。
(The beautiful scenery of Steinfurt left me amazed.)
8. Steinfurt有许多传统的德国餐厅,可以品尝当地美食。
(There are many traditional German restaurants in Steinfurt where you can taste local cuisine.)
9. 我们在Steinfurt找到了一家非常舒适的旅馆。
(We found a very comfortable hotel in Steinfurt.)