Gopherus属于陆龟科,主要分布于北美洲和中美洲地区,其中最著名的品种是Gopherus agassizii,也称为莫哈韦陆龟,是世界上最大的陆龟之一。Gopherus agassizii已被列为濒危物种,需要受到保护。
1. The Gopherus agassizii is a species of tortoise native to the Mojave Desert.(Gopherus agassizii是一种产于莫哈韦沙漠的陆龟物种。)
2. The Gopherus genus includes several species of tortoises found in North and Central America.(Gopherus属包括多种产于北美和中美洲的陆龟。)
3. The Gopherus genus is known for its hardy, desert-dwelling tortoises.(Gopherus属以适应沙漠环境的耐久陆龟著称。)
4. The desert tortoise, or Gopherus agassizii, is listed as a threatened species due to habitat destruction.(由于其栖息地的破坏,莫哈韦陆龟被列为濒危物种。)
5. Gopherus agassizii is notable for its ability to store water in its bladder, allowing it to survive during long periods without access to fresh water.(莫哈韦陆龟因其能将水储存在膀胱中,使其能够在长时间没有新鲜水源的情况下存活。)
6. Gopherus isn't just a cute name for a tortoise – it's also the genus name for several species of tortoise.(Gopherus不仅是陆龟的一个可爱的名字,还是多种陆龟的属名。)
7. The desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, is an important animal in Native American culture.(莫哈韦陆龟是美洲原住民文化中的重要动物。)
8. Gopherus tortoises are known for their slow-moving, peaceful nature.(Gopherus陆龟以其缓慢、和平的性格而闻名。)
9. It's important to never disturb a Gopherus tortoise in the wild, as it can harm their habitat and disrupt their way of life.(在野外千万不要打扰Gopherus陆龟,因为这会破坏它们的栖息地并干扰它们的生活方式。)