tremelga是什么意思 tremelga的读音、翻译、用法

tremelga是什么意思 tremelga的读音、翻译、用法



1. Tremelga is a small village located in Cornwall.(Tremelga是位于康沃尔的一个小村庄。)

2. We took a trip to Tremelga over the weekend.(我们在周末去了Tremelga旅行。)

3. Tremelga is known for its stunning coastal views.(Tremelga以其迷人的海岸景观而闻名。)

4. The Tremelga church dates back to the 12th century.(Tremelga教堂可以追溯到12世纪。)

5. Visitors can enjoy hiking and exploring the countryside around Tremelga.(游客可以在Tremelga周围的乡村中徒步旅行和探索。)

6. There are several holiday cottages available to rent in Tremelga.(Tremelga有几处假日小屋可以租赁。)

7. Tremelga is located on the picturesque route to Land's End.(Tremelga位于通往地尽头的风景如画的路线上。)

8. Many artists find inspiration in the beauty of Tremelga's natural settings.(许多艺术家从Tremelga的自然环境中获得灵感。)

9. We stopped for a coffee at the Tremelga tearooms.(我们在Tremelga的茶室停下来喝了一杯咖啡。)

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