'Placenta acreta'是拉丁语,直接翻译为中文是“粘附性胎盘”。它是一种妊娠并发症,指胎盘在嵌入子宫壁时过度生长或过度粘附,容易导致分娩时严重出血并需要紧急手术。
以下是含有'Placenta acreta'的9个例句:
1. Placenta accreta是导致产后大出血的最主要原因之一。(英语:Placenta accreta is one of the leading causes of postpartum hemorrhage.)
2. Placenta increta和placenta percreta是placenta accreta的两种罕见但更危险的形式。(英语:Placenta increta and placenta percreta are two rare but more dangerous forms of placenta accreta.)
3. Placenta主要由滋养层和胎盘膜组成,并以脐带与胎儿连接。(法语:Le placenta est principalement composé de la couche nutritive et de la membrane placentaire, et est relié au fœtus par le cordon ombilical.)
4. Placenta accreta可能会在以前的子宫手术,如子宫切除术,子宫肌瘤切除术等,之后发生。(英语:Placenta accreta may occur after previous uterine surgeries such as hysterectomy or myomectomy.)
5. Placenta accreta的治疗通常需要子宫全切除术,有时甚至需要输血、输液等处理。(英语:Treatment of placenta accreta typically requires a total hysterectomy and sometimes blood transfusions, IV fluids, etc.)
6. Placenta accreta的风险因素包括多次怀孕、高龄孕妇、剖腹产、以及以前的子宫手术等。(英语:Risk factors for placenta accreta include multiple pregnancies, advanced maternal age, prior cesarean deliveries, and previous uterine surgeries.)
7. Placenta accreta常常是分娩时才被发现,因为它通常没有症状。(英语:Placenta accreta is often discovered during delivery because it usually has no symptoms.)
8. Placenta accreta的诊断通常是通过超声检查或MRI确认的。(英语:Diagnosis of placenta accreta is usually confirmed by ultrasound or MRI.)
9. Placenta accreta往往会导致产后贫血和血栓形成等并发症。(英语:Placenta accreta often leads to postpartum anemia and complications such as blood clotting.)