UUV是什么意思 UUV的读音、翻译、用法

UUV是什么意思 UUV的读音、翻译、用法



1. The UUV is equipped with advanced sensors to conduct underwater surveys.(这个无人水下车辆配备了先进的传感器,可以进行水下调查。)

2. The UUV can operate autonomously or be remotely controlled from a surface vessel.(这个无人水下车辆可以自主操作,也可以由水面船只远程控制。)

3. The UUV is capable of diving to depths of up to 6000 meters.(这个无人水下车辆能够潜入达6000米深的海底。)

4. The UUV was deployed to search for a missing submarine.(这个无人水下车辆被部署用于搜寻失踪的潜艇。)

5. The UUV is used to collect oceanographic data such as temperature and salinity.(这个无人水下车辆被用于收集海洋学数据,例如温度和盐度。)

6. The UUV is equipped with a high-resolution camera for underwater imaging.(这个无人水下车辆配备了高分辨率相机,用于水下成像。)

7. The UUV can be used for pipeline inspections in offshore oil and gas fields.(这个无人水下车辆可以用于海上油气田管道检测。)

8. The UUV is designed to be lightweight and easy to deploy from a small boat.(这个无人水下车辆设计轻便,易于从小船上部署。)

9. The UUV is being developed to have the ability to perform underwater repairs on offshore structures.(这个无人水下车辆正在研发中,将具备在海上结构物进行水下维修的能力。)

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