tamia是什么意思 tamia的读音、翻译、用法

tamia是什么意思 tamia的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'tamia'是英语中的单词,意为"花栗鼠"。

2. 在英语中,'tamia'通常用于描述花栗鼠这种小型啮齿动物。

3. 以下是9个含有'tamia'的英语例句:

- The tamia is a cute little animal that can be found in many forests.(花栗鼠是一种可爱的小动物,可以在许多森林中找到。)

- Tamias are known for their bushy tails and sharp teeth.(花栗鼠以他们的松软尾巴和锋利的牙齿而闻名。)

- She spent hours watching the tamias play in the trees.(她花了好几个小时观察花栗鼠在树上玩耍。)

- The tamia scurried across the forest floor, looking for nuts to eat.(花栗鼠在森林地面上蹦跳着,寻找坚果吃。)

- Tamias are expert climbers, and can easily scurry up trees to avoid predators.(花栗鼠是专业的攀爬者,可以轻松地爬上树去躲避天敌。)

- The tamia's fur was soft and fluffy, and its eyes sparkled in the sunlight.(花栗鼠的毛发柔软而蓬松,眼睛在阳光下闪闪发光。)

- Tamias are known to store nuts and other food in their cheeks for later.(花栗鼠被知道会把坚果和其他食物储存在他们的腮帮子里以备后用。)

- The tamia's sharp claws helped it climb up tree trunks with ease.(花栗鼠的锋利爪子帮助它轻松地爬上树干。)

- She took a photo of the beautiful tamia as it sat on a tree branch.(她拍了一张美丽的花栗鼠的照片,它正坐在一根树枝上。)

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