Helicotylenchus dihystera是什么意思 Helicotylenchus dihystera的读音、翻译、用

Helicotylenchus dihystera是什么意思 Helicotylenchus dihystera的读音、翻译、用

1. 'Helicotylenchus dihystera'是一个拉丁学名,不属于任何国家的词语。

2. 中文翻译为雪松根瘤线虫。

3. 雪松根瘤线虫是一种植物寄生虫,常常侵害松树、杉树等树种。其体长约1毫米,呈螺旋状。其寄生于宿主的根部,会破坏植物的根系,导致植物枯死。

4. 例句:

1. Helicotylenchus dihystera is a serious pest of coniferous trees.(雪松根瘤线虫是松树的严重害虫。)

2. The damage caused by Helicotylenchus dihystera can lead to reduced growth and yield in crops.(雪松根瘤线虫的危害会导致农作物的生长和产量降低。)

3. The control of Helicotylenchus dihystera is difficult due to its ability to survive in soil for long periods of time.(由于雪松根瘤线虫能在土壤中长期存活,因此其控制很困难。)

4. Helicotylenchus dihystera has a wide host range, including many important crops.(雪松根瘤线虫的寄主范围广泛,包括许多重要的农作物。)

5. The best way to prevent the spread of Helicotylenchus dihystera is to avoid planting susceptible crops in infested soil.(防止雪松根瘤线虫传播的最佳方法是避免在受感染的土壤中种植易感作物。)

6. Helicotylenchus dihystera is often found in sandy soils and can cause significant damage to turfgrass.(雪松根瘤线虫通常出现在沙质土壤中,并且会对草坪造成重大损害。)

7. The symptoms of Helicotylenchus dihystera infestation include stunted growth and root damage.(雪松根瘤线虫感染的症状包括生长受阻和根部受损。)

8. Helicotylenchus dihystera can be controlled using nematicides, but these chemicals are often expensive and can have negative environmental impacts.(雪松根瘤线虫可以使用线虫灭杀剂进行控制,但这些化学物质通常很昂贵,而且会对环境造成负面影响。)

9. Effective management of Helicotylenchus dihystera requires a combination of cultural practices and chemical treatments.(对雪松根瘤线虫的有效管理需要结合文化措施和化学治疗。)

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