'Hattori Hanzo'是日本的词语,它指的是一位著名的忍者,又称为“忍者之王”。他是16世纪末17世纪初的伊贺流忍者,曾经担任过德川家康的护卫和谋士,因其出色的武艺和智谋而备受尊重。
1. 科幻小说《银翼杀手》中,主人公使用了一把'Hattori Hanzo'制造的日本刀。
In the science fiction novel Blade Runner, the protagonist uses a Japanese sword made by Hattori Hanzo.
2. 我们的武术教练教授了我们一些'Hattori Hanzo'的招式。
Our martial arts instructor taught us some moves from Hattori Hanzo.
3. 在日本历史上,'Hattori Hanzo'是一位闻名遐迩的忍者。
In Japanese history, Hattori Hanzo was a famous ninja.
4. 这家武术学校以'Hattori Hanzo'的武艺和智谋为蓝本。
This martial arts school is modeled after the skills and intelligence of Hattori Hanzo.
5. 我们去日本旅游时,参观了'Hattori Hanzo'的故居。
When we traveled to Japan, we visited Hattori Hanzo's former residence.
6. 组成一个'Hattori Hanzo'队伍,每个人都要发挥出自己的长处。
Form a Hattori Hanzo team where everyone contributes their strengths.
7. 在这场战斗中,我们需要像'Hattori Hanzo'一样聪明机智。
In this battle, we need to be as clever and quick-witted as Hattori Hanzo.
8. 这位武器收藏家花了数百万购买了一把'Hattori Hanzo'制造的日本刀。
This weapon collector spent millions of dollars buying a Japanese sword made by Hattori Hanzo.
9. 达芬奇的绘画技巧和'Hattori Hanzo'的战斗技巧一样出色。
Da Vinci's painting skills are as excellent as Hattori Hanzo's fighting skills.