Bamako是什么意思 Bamako的读音、翻译、用法

Bamako是什么意思 Bamako的读音、翻译、用法



1. Mɔgɔya Muso, a Bamako-based NGO, provides clean water to rural communities. (马里的非政府组织Mɔgɔya Muso位于巴马科,为农村社区提供清洁水源。)

2. The Bamako-Senou International Airport is the largest airport in Mali. (巴马科瑟努国际机场是马里最大的机场。)

3. The Bamako Artisanal Market is a great place to buy traditional crafts. (巴马科手工艺市场是购买传统手工艺品的好地方。)

4. The Bamako Conference brought together leaders from across Africa to discuss peace and security. (巴马科会议汇聚非洲各国领导人,讨论和平与安全问题。)

5. The National Museum of Mali in Bamako houses important cultural artifacts. (马里国家博物馆位于巴马科,展示了重要的文化遗产。)

6. The Bamako fashion scene is known for its vibrant colors and bold patterns. (巴马科时尚界以鲜艳的颜色和大胆的图案而闻名。)

7. The Bamako Declaration called for greater investment in education across Africa. (巴马科宣言呼吁在整个非洲加大对教育的投资。)

8. The Bamako Agreement established a ceasefire between the Malian government and rebel groups. (巴马科协议在马里政府和反叛团体之间建立了停火。)

9. The Bamako skyline is dominated by the iconic Monument de l'Indépendance. (巴马科天际线以标志性的独立纪念碑为主导。)

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