'Boxing Day'这个词语来源于英国,指的是圣诞节后一天的公共假日。传统上,这一天是英国下层阶级送礼物给富人、清理家庭垃圾和打猎等活动的日子。现在,人们通常在这一天购物、参加家庭聚会和观看足球比赛等。
1. Boxing Day is an important holiday in many Commonwealth countries, including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.(Boxing Day是许多英联邦国家的重要假期,包括加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰。)
2. Many people in the UK use Boxing Day as a time to recover from the excesses of Christmas Day.(许多英国人将Boxing Day作为从圣诞节过度消费中恢复的时间。)
3. The origins of Boxing Day are unknown, but it is thought to have been named after the practice of giving boxes of gifts or money to those in need.(Boxing Day的起源尚不清楚,但认为它起源于给需要帮助的人送礼物或钱的做法。)
4. In some parts of the UK, Boxing Day is also known as St Stephen's Day.(在英国的一些地方,Boxing Day也被称为圣史蒂芬日。)
5. Many stores offer big sales on Boxing Day to attract shoppers.(许多商店在Boxing Day推出大减价以吸引购物者。)
6. Some families in the UK make a tradition of going for a walk on Boxing Day.(一些英国家庭会在Boxing Day里建立散步的传统。)
7. Boxing Day is a popular day to watch football matches in the UK.(在英国,看足球比赛是Boxing Day的流行活动之一。)
8. In Australia, Boxing Day is the start of the Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race.(在澳大利亚,Boxing Day是悉尼-霍巴特游艇比赛的开始。)
9. Many Canadians use Boxing Day as a day to exchange gifts with friends and family.(许多加拿大人将Boxing Day作为与朋友和家人交换礼物的日子。)