Erethizontidae是什么意思 Erethizontidae的读音、翻译、用法

Erethizontidae是什么意思 Erethizontidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Erethizontidae family includes North American porcupines and South American spiny rats.(刺猬科包括北美豪猪和南美刺鼠等物种。)

2. The common porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) is a member of the Erethizontidae family.(普通豪猪(Erethizon dorsatum)是刺猬科的一种。)

3. The Prehensile-tailed Porcupine is a species of Erethizontidae found in Central and South America.(树状旗猬是分布于中南美洲的刺猬科物种之一。)

4. The spines of Erethizontidae are modified hairs that protect them from predators.(刺猬科的刺是被改变的毛发,用于保护它们免受掠食者的威胁。)

5. The North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) is the largest species in the Erethizontidae family.(北美豪猪(Erethizon dorsatum)是刺猬科中最大的物种。)

6. Spiny rats of Erethizontidae have small eyes and large ears to help them navigate through the forest.(刺鼠科的刺鼠具有小眼睛和大耳朵,以帮助它们穿越森林。)

7. The paws of Erethizontidae have five toes and long claws for climbing trees.(刺猬科的爪具有五个脚趾和长爪,以便爬树。)

8. The South American porcupine (Coendou prehensilis) is a nocturnal Erethizontidae species.(南美豪猪(Coendou prehensilis)是刺猬科的一种夜行物种。)

9. The spines of the Erethizontidae can easily detach from the animal's body and embed in a predator's skin.(刺猬科的刺可以很容易地从动物的身体上分离,并嵌入掠食者的皮肤中。)

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