MathML是什么意思 MathML的读音、翻译、用法

MathML是什么意思 MathML的读音、翻译、用法

MathML是美国的词语,全称为Mathematical Markup Language,中文翻译为“数学标记语言”。它是一种用于在Web上表示数学符号和公式的标记语言,旨在方便数学家、工程师、科学家等人在Web上共享数学公式。


1. MathML有助于数学教育的数字化化,让学生能够更好地理解数学概念和公式。

MathML helps to digitize mathematics education, allowing students to better understand mathematical concepts and formulas.

2. MathML可以让数学家们在Web上分享他们的研究成果,使得数学研究更加便捷和高效。

MathML allows mathematicians to share their research results on the Web, making mathematical research more convenient and efficient.

3. MathML可以嵌入到HTML文档中,以便在Web上显示数学公式。

MathML can be embedded in HTML documents to display mathematical formulas on the Web.

4. MathML支持多种数学符号和运算符,包括加减乘除、三角函数、指数、对数以及各种形式的括号等。

MathML supports a variety of mathematical symbols and operators, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, trigonometric functions, exponents, logarithms, and various forms of parentheses.

5. MathML还支持嵌套结构,使得复杂的数学公式可以被清晰地呈现出来。

MathML also supports nested structures, allowing complex mathematical formulas to be presented clearly.

6. MathML可以与其他标记语言结合使用,如SVG、CSS、XML等。

MathML can be used in conjunction with other markup languages, such as SVG, CSS, XML, etc.

7. MathML使用基于XML的语法规则,使得其易于学习和使用。

MathML uses XML-based syntax rules, making it easy to learn and use.

8. MathML标准由World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)负责制定和维护。

The MathML standard is developed and maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

9. MathML的应用范围广泛,包括数学教育、科学研究、工程设计、统计分析等领域。

MathML has a wide range of applications, including mathematics education, scientific research, engineering design, statistical analysis, and other fields.

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