Corning是什么意思 Corning的读音、翻译、用法

Corning是什么意思 Corning的读音、翻译、用法



1. Corning将在明年推出全新款的手机屏幕玻璃。

(Corning will introduce a new phone screen glass next year.)

2. 康宁公司的陶瓷材料在太空探索中扮演着关键的角色。

(Corning's ceramic materials play a critical role in space exploration.)

3. 这个顶级科技公司和康宁公司正在共同开发下一代玻璃材料。

(This leading tech company and Corning are jointly developing the next generation of glass materials.)

4. 康宁公司的玻璃纤维被广泛应用于光通信和数据中心的建设中。

(Corning's glass fiber is widely used in the construction of optical communication and data centers.)

5. 康宁公司的陶瓷碗具非常耐用,绝不会破裂。

(Corning's ceramic bowls are extremely durable and never break.)

6. 她正在忙着为康宁公司研究新的玻璃产品。

(She is busy researching new glass products for Corning.)

7. 康宁公司的玻璃屏幕可以有效地防止手机屏幕破碎。

(Corning's glass screen can effectively prevent phone screens from breaking.)

8. 康宁公司正在试图推出一种更环保的玻璃生产技术。

(Corning is attempting to introduce a more environmentally friendly glass production technique.)

9. 他最近加入了康宁公司的陶瓷部门,致力于研制新的创新产品。

(He recently joined Corning's ceramics division, focusing on developing new innovative products.)

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