'Squatina'是拉丁语,意为“鲨鱼”,特指棘鲨属(Squatina genus),是一种海洋生物,分布在世界各地的温带和热带海域,特别是在大西洋和印度太平洋地区。棘鲨属是一种比较大型的鲨鱼,身体底部扁平,口大,牙齿尖锐,以小鱼和甲壳类为食。
1. Squatina属鲨鱼通常在海底的沙泥底部生活,以小鱼和甲壳类为食。
(The Squatina shark genus typically lives on sandy and muddy bottoms of the sea and feeds on small fish and crustaceans.)
2. 棘鲨属鱼类的鳃裂很小,可以隐藏在身体的侧面,不容易被发现。
(The gill slits of the Squatina fish genus are small and can be hidden on the side of the body, making them difficult to detect.)
3. 鲨鱼爱好者喜欢观赏棘鲨属鱼类在水中优美的游动姿态。
(Shark enthusiasts enjoy watching the graceful swimming movements of the Squatina fish genus in the water.)
4. 棘鲨属鱼类的身体轮廓类似于狗鱼和鳐鱼,因此很容易被混淆。
(The body shape of the Squatina fish genus is similar to that of dogfish and rays, which can cause confusion.)
5. 近年来,棘鲨属鱼类的数量急剧下降,面临着严重的生存威胁。
(In recent years, the population of the Squatina fish genus has declined sharply and is facing a serious threat to survival.)
6. 南非沿海地区经常发现Squatina属鲨鱼的踪迹。
(The Squatina shark genus is often found along the coast of South Africa.)
7. 棘鲨属的鲨鱼被认为是最古老的鲨鱼之一,有着悠久的演化历史。
(The Squatina shark genus is considered one of the oldest shark groups with a long evolutionary history.)
8. 研究人员利用遥感技术对棘鲨属的鱼类进行了追踪和监测。
(Researchers are using remote sensing technology to track and monitor the Squatina fish genus.)
9. 对于棘鲨属鲨鱼的生态学和行为习性的研究是对保护这种濒危物种的重要贡献。
(Studying the ecology and behavioral habits of Squatina shark genus is an important contribution to protecting this endangered species.)