'Strauss'是德语中的词语,翻译为“斯特劳斯”。通常指奥地利的约翰·斯特劳斯(Johann Strauss)和他的家族,是19世纪欧洲最著名的舞曲作曲家之一。他的音乐以轻松欢快、旋律优美、舞曲节奏明快而著称。
1. 《蓝色多瑙河》是约翰·斯特劳斯最著名的舞曲之一。
(The Blue Danube is one of Johann Strauss's most famous waltzes.)
2. 奥地利每年都会举办斯特劳斯音乐节,以纪念这位伟大的音乐家。
(Austria holds the Strauss Music Festival every year to commemorate this great musician.)
3. 斯特劳斯家族共有三代人都是著名的音乐家。
(Three generations of the Strauss family were all famous musicians.)
4. 这个舞会上播放了许多斯特劳斯的舞曲,让人们跳舞欢快。
(Many of Strauss's waltzes were played at the dance party, making people dance happily.)
5. 他的音乐一直深受欧洲人的喜爱,并且经常被用作电影和广告音乐。
(His music has always been popular among Europeans and is often used as film and advertising music.)
6. 她在弹奏斯特劳斯的舞曲时,引起了观众的共鸣,现场气氛非常热烈。
(When she played Strauss's waltzes, she struck a chord with the audience and the atmosphere was very lively.)
7. 约翰·斯特劳斯的音乐具有很强的旋律感,在音乐史上具有重要的地位。
(Johann Strauss's music has a strong sense of melody and plays an important role in music history.)
8. 这首斯特劳斯的舞曲是我学习钢琴以来最喜欢的一首。
(This Strauss waltz is my favorite one since I started learning piano.)
9. 雪橇小调是斯特劳斯最具代表性的交响曲之一。
(The Sleigh Ride is one of Strauss's most representative symphonies.)