1. Arabinoxilano在小麦糠中的含量非常高。
Arabinoxilano is abundant in wheat bran.
2. Arabinoxilano可能降低血清胆固醇水平。
Arabinoxilano may lower serum cholesterol levels.
3. Arabinoxilano是调节肠道健康的重要组成部分。
Arabinoxilano is an important component for regulating gut health.
4. Arabinoxilano已被证明可以提高麦饭石的生物利用度。
Arabinoxilano has been shown to improve the bioavailability of phytate.
5. Arabinoxilano对人体的益处还有待进一步研究。
The benefits of arabinoxilano for human health need further investigation.
6. Arabinoxilano能够促进肠道内的有益菌群生长。
Arabinoxilano can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
7. Arabinoxilano的降低胆固醇作用可能与其调节肠道菌群有关。
The cholesterol-lowering effect of arabinoxilano may be related to its regulation of gut microbiota.
8. Arabinoxilano已被加入到某些食品中作为功能性成分。
Arabinoxilano has been added to certain foods as a functional ingredient.
9. 食用含有足够量的阿拉伯木聚糖的谷类食品可以对人体有益。
Consuming grain foods containing sufficient amounts of arabinoxilano can be beneficial for human health.