1. 我喜欢吃肉馅饺子,你呢?(中文翻译:Which one do you like, pork or vegetable filling?)
2. 我们可以去那家饺子馆吃 'Guioza'。(中文翻译:We can go to that dumpling house to eat 'Guioza'.)
3. 'Guioza'的口感非常香,一定要试试。(中文翻译:'Guioza' has a delicious taste, you should try it.)
4. 我从中国带回来一些饺子制作的秘诀。(中文翻译:I brought back some secrets of making 'Guioza' from China.)
5. 我饿了,想吃一些 'Guioza'。(中文翻译:I'm hungry, I want to eat some 'Guioza'.)
6. 在中国,过年时人们通常会包很多饺子。(中文翻译:In China, people usually make a lot of 'Guioza' during the New Year.)
7. 用不同的馅料来包 'Guioza',可以尝试出各种不同口味。(中文翻译:You can try different fillings for 'Guioza' to create various flavors.)
8. 在中国北方,人们通常喜欢把 'Guioza'煮熟,而在南方则更常见蒸熟。(中文翻译:In northern China, people usually prefer boiled 'Guioza', while steamed 'Guioza' is more common in the southern region.)
9. 我们家传统的新年餐厅就是 'Guioza',每年都会准备很多。(中文翻译:Our traditional New Year's meal at home is 'Guioza' and we make a lot of them every year.)