inferencial是什么意思 inferencial的读音、翻译、用法

inferencial是什么意思 inferencial的读音、翻译、用法



1. The author's meaning is inferential, not explicit.(作者的意思是推理的,而不是明确的。)

2. This argument is inferential in nature, based on assumptions and deduction.(这个论点是推理的,在假设和演绎的基础上。)

3. The inferential skills of children improve with age and experience.(儿童的推理能力随着年龄和经验的增加而提高。)

4. The conclusion drawn from the data is purely inferential.(从数据中得出的结论纯粹是推理的。)

5. The detective used his inferential abilities to solve the case.(侦探利用他的推理能力解决了案件。)

6. The inferential process can be complex and difficult to understand.(推理过程可能很复杂,难以理解。)

7. The scientist used inferential statistics to make predictions about the population.(科学家使用推理统计学对人口进行预测。)

8. The inferential leap made by the philosopher was groundbreaking in its field.(哲学家所做出的推理飞跃在该领域中是开创性的。)

9. The inferential nature of the research means that conclusions cannot be drawn with complete certainty.(研究的推理性质意味着无法完全确定结论。)

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