'O Capital'是德语的词语,中文翻译为《资本论》。它是由德国哲学家卡尔·马克思写成的一本经济学著作,详尽地分析了资本主义社会的经济结构、生产、商品交换和资本积累的规律。
以下是9个含有'O Capital'的例句:
1. In 'O Capital', Marx explains the fundamental principles of communism.(在《资本论》中,马克思解释了共产主义的基本原则。)
2. 'O Capital' has been translated into many languages worldwide.(《资本论》已经被翻译成许多世界语言。)
3. Reading 'O Capital' can be challenging, but it is essential for understanding Marxist theory.(阅读《资本论》可能具有挑战性,但对于理解马克思主义理论至关重要。)
4. Many critics argue that 'O Capital' oversimplifies the complexities of the modern economy.(许多批评家认为,《资本论》过于简化了现代经济的复杂性。)
5. 'O Capital' is widely regarded as one of the most influential books in modern history.(《资本论》被广泛认为是现代历史上最具影响力的书籍之一。)
6. The first volume of 'O Capital' was published in 1867.(《资本论》第一卷出版于xx年。)
7. 'O Capital' offers a scathing critique of capitalism and its social consequences.(《资本论》对资本主义及其社会后果进行了严厉的批判。)
8. 'O Capital' remains a controversial and divisive text in political and economic discourse.(《资本论》在政治和经济讨论中仍然是一个有争议和分裂的文本。)
9. Some argue that 'O Capital' is outdated and irrelevant in the modern world.(一些人认为,《资本论》在现代社会已经过时和不相关。)