Belting是什么意思 Belting的读音、翻译、用法

Belting是什么意思 Belting的读音、翻译、用法



1. She was belting out her favorite song at the karaoke bar.(她在卡拉OK酒吧扯着嗓子唱出了她最喜欢的歌曲。)

2. The Broadway actress was belting out the show tune to an enthralled audience.(百老汇女演员以喉咙力量征服了观众,唱出了音乐剧的曲调。)

3. He started belting out the chorus to the song and the crowd joined in.(他开始高声唱出歌曲的副歌,人群也跟着唱。)

4. The singer's belting voice echoed through the concert hall.(歌手高亢的嗓音在音乐会厅回荡。)

5. She was known for belting out ballads with intensity and emotion.(她以强烈和情感饱满的唱法演绎慢歌获得了名声。)

6. The belting style of singing can be tough on the vocal cords if not done properly.(如果唱法不正确,Belting唱法会对声带造成压力。)

7. She belted out a powerful rendition of the national anthem at the sporting event.(她在体育赛事上唱出了威严的国歌演绎版。)

8. The aspiring singer practiced belting out her favorite songs for hours every day.(志向成为歌手的女孩每天花几个小时练习高嗓唱法。)

9. The judge was impressed with the contestant's belting ability during the singing competition.(在唱歌比赛中,评委对选手高亢的嗓音非常印象深刻。)

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