180是什么意思 180的读音、翻译、用法

180是什么意思 180的读音、翻译、用法



1. She did a complete 180 on the issue after listening to the experts.(她在听了专家意见后对这个问题做了180度的大转弯。)

2. The company's strategy took a 180-degree turn after the new CEO took office.(新任CEO上任后,公司的战略发生了180度的转变。)

3. His opinion did a 180 after he saw the new evidence presented in court.(在法庭上看到新证据后,他的看法做了180度的改变。)

4. The coach's halftime speech successfully turned the team's performance around by 180 degrees.(教练的半场讲话成功地使球队的表现做了180度的转变。)

5. After failing the exam twice, she decided to do a 180 and study harder this time.(两次考试都没过后,她决定做一个180度的改变,这次更加努力学习。)

6. The company's decision to go green was a complete 180 from their previous policies.(公司决定走环保路线与之前的政策完全相反。)

7. The weather did a 180 and suddenly became sunny after a week of rain.(经过一周的雨后,天气突然转晴,做了180度的改变。)

8. His mood did a 180 after he received the good news.(收到好消息后,他的心情发生了180度的转变。)

9. The character's personality did a 180 after going through a traumatic event.(在经历了创伤事件后,这个角色的性格发生了180度的变化。)

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