1. The serial killer's actions were so calculated and brutal, he was like a modern-day Hannibal.(这个连续杀人案件的行为如此冷酷无情,他就像现代版的汉尼拔。)
2. She was a Hannibal in the boardroom, always one step ahead of the competition.(在董事会里,她就像一只狡猾的汉尼拔,总是领先于竞争对手。)
3. The politician's ambition and ruthlessness reminded many of the infamous Hannibal Lecter.(这位政治家的野心和无情令许多人联想到臭名昭著的汉尼拔·莱克特。)
4. His strategic mind reminded his colleagues of Hannibal's military brilliance.(他的战略头脑让同事们想起了汉尼拔的军事才华。)
5. The fictional character Hannibal Lecter became an icon of evil in popular culture.(小说人物汉尼拔·莱克特在流行文化中成为了邪恶象征。)
6. The young artist's ability to manipulate her audience was almost Hannibal-like in its precision.(年轻艺术家巧妙地掌控观众的能力几乎像汉尼拔一样精准。)
7. In the film, Hannibal was portrayed as a brilliant and terrifying monster.(在电影中,汉尼拔被描绘成了一个聪明而可怕的怪物。)
8. The Hannibal-inspired menu featured exotic meats and a sophisticated wine list.(以汉尼拔为灵感的菜单上有异国情调的肉类和精致的酒单。)
9. Her icy demeanor and sharp wit made her the Hannibal of the debate team.(她冷酷的态度和锋利的智慧让她成为了辩论队中的汉尼拔。)